A visit of a local Electrical Technician ZSEIU

March 16, 2023

A visit of a local Electrical Technician ZSEIU

Each generation have something different at which they are all looking. But one we can be sure, the future always belongs to them. That's why it's worth taking the time to sow the seed and show the direction.

A visit of a local Electrical Technician ZSEIU Zespół Szkół Energetycznych i Usługowych w Łaziskach Górnych is 40 people who can be interested in the world of magnetic. Sounds interesting to us.

Meetings with young generation is an investment, but also responsibility for training future employees. Such activities do not require millions of investments, but above all willingness and commitment, and we have no shortage of that.

A visit of a local Electrical Technician ZSEIU fot.1 | ELHAND Transformatory

A visit of a local Electrical Technician ZSEIU fot.2 | ELHAND Transformatory

ELHAND PQ – Elhand Power Quality Harmonic Simulation Software

ELHAND PQ is charge-free software that allows to find the optimum solution for different configurations and parameters of your circuit without the need for costly measurements, tests and analyses. More >>

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