Sales Specialist – Technical Sales Advisor – Sales Engineer

What will be your tasks?

A statement that you will deal with the sales of our products would be a hasty generalization. We are looking for a an account manager and a future expert in the field of dry-type, low and medium-voltage transformers (power range 0,05-2500kVA), reactors and filters.

In this position you would be responsible for:

  • Establishing the cooperation with new foreign customers.
  • Preparing technical and commercial offers.
  • Close cooperation with technical departments in the company.
  • Developing relations with domestic and foreign customers as a support and business partner.
  • Holding meetings, leading presentations and trade negotiations.
  • Raising your competences and expanding your knowledge by visiting the customers and participating in conferences and trade fair.

How can you tell that you fit in?

  • You are a graduate of a technical university. Basic knowledge of electrical engineering would be an additional advantage.
  • You speak fluent Polish. Do you speak any other language? If yes, it is an additional asset.
  • You like learning and you aim at expanding your commercial and technical competences.
  • You are interested in sales and negotiation techniques.
  • MS Office is for you a standard fare.
  • You have a B category driving license and you are not afraid to use it. Business trips, including abroad business trips constitute circa 30% of our work.
  • You are a holder of vast amounts of motivation and energy which will help you to achieve your goals in a dynamic environment.
  • You want to act, change and search for solutions. You are active and committed. We will add our support and, in the blink of an eye, you will feel that you are in the right place.

If you are interested:

Please send your CV to the e-mail address:
Call Kasia: 34 347 31 01

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ELHAND PQ is charge-free software that allows to find the optimum solution for different configurations and parameters of your circuit without the need for costly measurements, tests and analyses. More >>

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